the do's and do nots of college social media

The Do’s and Do Not’s of College Social Media

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Social media is huge in college. You’ll have Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and all the side ones you can think of. They’re fun! You post photos with your friends, you keep in contact and share funny memes, but you also can get in trouble in the long run. A lot of these will be common sense and you will know, but a reminder never hurt anyone!

Here are is a quick list of the do’s and do not’s of social media in college.


Share photos with friends.

Sharing photos with your friends in dorm rooms, on trips, or just having fun on campus is great. Not only for other people to see, but if your parents can see your social media they can see what’s up. Maybe choose what to post where but it’s also memories for you in the future.

Connect with new people.

Not everyone likes giving their phone number out. Especially since blocking can be hard with phone numbers and so much easier over Snapchat or Instagram. This is a great way to start to get to know someone without worrying about them harassing you.

Meme sharing.

Duh, I mean. Instagram has some funny stuff. And everyone has that one group text or whatever that is just for sharing funny images.

Do Not’s

Post pictures with alcohol if you’re under age.

These photos may not seem like a big deal, but employers can, in some cases, request seeing your social mediate. I don’t know the ethical issues of that, but, it happens. If they see you posted pictures drinking under age, it can get you into some serious trouble.

Post pictures with drugs.

Weed is still federally illegal. While your state may allow it, you don’t know where you will work. Yes you can delete the pictures later, but honestly, posting pictures hitting the bong or anything like that isn’t that cool. Maybe a handful of people will love it but in most cases, they just keep scrolling. Posting on Snapchat is one thing because it goes away but on your Instagram feed or Facebook? Maybe think again.

Do not send nudes.

Everyone does it now and then. But it’s so much easier to screenshot now and save without being caught. In college, things spread fast. You don’t want that getting out.

Do not bully.

You make think this stuff doesn’t get out, but it does. When situations happen on campus with someone bullying, or god-forbid, they commit suicide, social medias are checked. If your name shows up bullying or anything like that, you will get in trouble as well. Maybe not with law enforcement, but with your school. While everyone thinks they are protected by the internet, when it comes to safety and someones life, that goes out the window. Just don’t do it. Bullying to someones face is bad enough, but this leaves you a footprint and clear proof.

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