Teachers Are Friends

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Teachers are your best friends

A lot of people don’t talk to their professors. They go to class, do the homework and they think that that is enough. Sure, that may get you an A, but a professor has so much more to offer!

They have knowledge and connections!

For me, I made friends with my professors so when I needed time off school as I was sick, they would know I was actually sick and not just taking off because I hated class. There was a trust level there. They were also more likely to be lenient if something was a day late due to something that happened. They’d trust that it was a serious thing. DO NOT ABUSE THIS TRUST!

Additionally, if you go to their office hours and show interest in them and their outside work, as well as what they cover in class, it may help with your grade. If they see you’re interested and do extra work, when it comes to grading, they may be more favorable for you, round up your grade or do something else positive. I’m not saying this to abuse the relationship, because they know the people who are genuinely interested and those who just want the grade boost. This is their job and they know it.

You also need to think long term – recommendation letters.

If you are thinking about going to Masters, you need 2-3 recommendation letters and your professors are perfect. They can attest to your studying ability, time management and so many other things. If they know you in the classroom and out, they can write a glowing recommendation!

Also if you want an internship (which many schools require now) or need a job, you will need a recommendation. You will need recommendation letters all the time! So befriend your professors. That way you have a few to ask for help from when the time comes. If you keep asking the same one over and over they may feel a little abused. So make sure you have 2-3 professors you can ask from.

This goes with previous employers too. Even if you hate your job, make sure your are courteous. Your next employer is most likely going to call you last one. It’s just how it is. That’s a side note.

Additionally, some professors have TA positions. These are generally for graduate students but if you are planning to stay in your school, showing interest with one professor can help you get one of these positions and be favorited. These kinds of positions can help to pay for room and board or your tuition. And who doesn’t like free tuition?

In summation, your professor should be one of your friends in college. Not all of them. Some professors you won’t connect with but there’s always at least one who you love and a few others you enjoyed. Make sure to foster the relationships with them. You won’t think long term now when you’re new at university, but if you don’t do it, when you’re a junior or senior and need a recommendation letter, or have a family emergency and you struggled in class, you will wish you had put in the little extra effort while you had the chance.