Congratulations To The Class of 2019! What Now?

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Congratulations to everyone who graduated this year! You made it through another school year and through wherever you are in your life!

High School Graduates

You’ve made it through some of the hardest years of education. You took your PSAT and the SAT and applied for college and now it’s time for a small vacation before college, or wherever you may be going.

Going To College

If you are going to college, make sure to enjoy your summer. You definitely need to relax because college will be a shock, even if you are super prepared. It’s super different so you want to catch up on sleep now, even if you just plan to party in college – all the parties are late so you might as well sleep now.

About this time, you should have downloaded your ‘what you need for college’ checklist. Bed Bath & Beyond has really good lists that I recommend checking out! Just remember to cross reference that with things that your college will not let you bring, such as things that are fire hazards and things that are already provided! Remember, less is more. You can always buy extra stuff later, but don’t bring a moving truck worth of stuff. Don’t be that kid.

If you have to work this summer, time table yourself. Make sure to have some fun. You’ve definitely earned it.

Not Pursuing Further Education

If you’ve made the decision to not pursue further education, or you aren’t going to college right now, there are things you can do in the meantime.

If you’re not planning to go, maybe it is time to get a job! There’s great sites out there like Indeed, Monster and ZipRecruiter. LinkedIn is also a great one as well.

If you’re just taking a gap year, maybe try and travel. Traveling is a great thing to be able to put on your resume or put in your future essays as you will gain experience in your own way. If you have the money and resources, this is really a great opportunity. Also look at study abroad. There are companies out there that take people. Of course you will pay, but it’s more structured and gives you something to do!

College Graduates

You did it! You made it through many sleepless nights, different friend groups and that questionable food in the cafeteria. So what’s next?

Going to Post-Graduate Studies

If you’re planning on going elsewhere, take some time to relax this summer if you can. I didn’t take a break and it was exhausting. Absolutely exhausting. So enjoy the break in between the two studies. Getting a job may be good as well, if you can find something, because we all need that money to pay for college as well as having a little fun. You’ve been through this before so you know what to do!

Gap Year

If you’ve decided to take a gap year between undergraduate and graduate, this is a confusing time. You know something is coming but you have a year or so to wait. Finding a job is perfect. If you can get something in your field that is even better. However, if you don’t think you can do that, and you have the resources, definitely travel. Go somewhere you speak the language, to practice your foreign skills, or go somewhere completely new.

Just don’t waste the year!

Done With Education

If you’ve decided that you’re done with education, now is the time to start looking for jobs. Indeed, ZipRecruiter, GlassDoor, LinkedIn and Monster are some great places to look for jobs. You can set alerts to your criteria of jobs so when something awesome shows up you can immediately go and apply.

Make sure your resume and cover letter are ready to go as that helps to save time, writing a new cover letter every time.

People say that you should be applying to 5-10 jobs a day, or more, when actively looking. It seems like a lot, but trust me. I applied to 100 in a period and only ever heard back from 4. It’s a pretty painful turnaround now, especially with many systems being automated. Looking for a job is considered to be a part time job. But you got this. Don’t give up!

Make sure to take a few weeks off to relax as well. Charge up those batteries, get some sun and relax. Then it’s time to hit the ground running!

Whatever you’re doing and whatever your future plans may be, congratulations on completing another chapter in your life. It may be scary not knowing what is in the future, but there are thousands of others like you. Network and learn new skills in the meantime.

Good luck!

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