What You Need to Survive

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As school starts to begin, the questions of what to buy and what you actually need start to be asked. You see so many posters in every store that you walk into with ‘back to school checklists’ that, honestly, look like an encyclopedia. There’s so much on it and if you tally up the cost of it all, you’re looking at something close to a full years college tuition.

But do you really need all of the bits and pieces?

Honestly, no. A lot of the products on the lists, while they are fun and may look nice, are just ways for the company to make a few extra dollars. They know that parents, and students, will be completely overwhelmed and you’ll just get everything to make life simpler.

Don’t fall for it!

Read this full list for everything you need to know! Sure, you can get other little bits and pieces in the end, but moving in with a lot of stuff, especially if you aren’t nearby, is difficult. And move out is even worse – you always accumulate stuff through the year.

Start small, live in it for a while and then find out what you need. I can tell you, that special pillow to help you study on your bed isn’t needed.

See what you actually need below.

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I recommend shopping at places like Amazon, Target, Container Store and Staples for most of your items!


Draw organization units are very handy. They can help keep everything from rolling around so you are able to find exactly what you need, especially if you think that you will be working at your desk.



Make sure to remember to bring tape, staples and paperclips. You will be surprised at how often a college will run out of that and a professor will not accept loose pages. Having everything in one place will help reduce some of your stress.


Pencil holders are needed to keep all your pens and pencils organized. You may keep them in your draw but having them handy nearby can help make life a little easier. Also don’t forget pencil sharpeners….because finding one on campus can be really difficult.

Any range of office supplies would be good you have. You are most likely going to use most of it. You don’t need to buy a lot of everything, but having a little bit of what you think you may use can help you be organized and save you time later.


Desk lamps are generally needed as there is usually a lack of lighting in the room. Something small and relatively inexpensive will do. If you are thinking to use it long term, such as in your apartment later, and you know you won’t damage it, something more expensive may suit you. Otherwise a cheaper type, like the one below, will be fine.


Draws are your best friend in university. Unless you’re lucky to get a lot of floor space, you’re most likely going to have little room to work with. But if you’re far from home, you can’t be going home every weekend to pick up your clothing or getting stuff you need when the seasons change. So many people don’t properly utilize the deadspace under their raised university beds.

The Container Store has an amazing stackable drawer system. I personally used them and found them so useful. They come in a range of tinted colors so it is perfect for a guy or a girl. They also come in two sizes; small and large.

I personally used the larger ones as it felt with the price per size, the large was just better. Are they amazingly high quality? No, they can be a little flimsy at times, but for a broke college student, they’re honestly perfect. And they’re easy to clean if any food spills (I used it to store some food). I highly recommend. The smaller size can be good for shoes or to put into your closet.


For your closet you also may need something for your shoes. Some people prefer to put it in boxes, and you may have an area in the dorm room to put them, so waiting on something like this might be okay. But many people do like to use these as well (more useful for guys as girls with boots and heels may struggle a little).

GET HANGERS! They are your best friend. It saves you folding time, it makes it so you don’t need to iron and they’re just overall so useful!

Better quality hangers last longer. They’re less likely to snap and hold your clothes better. They’re stronger and more robust. So for me, they’re my go to!


Shower Caddy

Even if you will only be sharing your bathroom with your roommate (although there usually are at least 4 to a bathroom unless you’re lucky), then having a shower caddy is perfect. You can leave your stuff in the bathroom but it’s organized and all there so you don’t have to worry about knowing whose shampoo is whose or where you left your soap. All of these places try and get you to buy the really fancy organizational units or the high quality plastic ones. Trust me, having something flexible and easy makes it so much simpler to move in and out (which you need to think long term about) and it’s flexible.

Something from amazon is perfect.


Even if you’re clean, you never know about your roommates. I didn’t get one of these, but a cover for your toothbrush can never go wrong. It’s a few dollars and can stop your roommates hair, or whatever, from making your brush yucky.

Overdoor Hooks

Overdoor hooks are perfect to hang your towel on after a showerThey can be put in the bathroom or on the door of your closet (suggested)!


Soap Dish

Soap dish’s are needed in the bathroom, unless you’re thinking of using soap from a bottle. Make sure to bring a dish if you plan on using bars of soap.

Additional Items

Don’t forget to bring a hair dryer, and a small mirror for your desk (in case you need to get ready and the bathroom is full).


Some people love to decorate their rooms and others don’t. If you do, make sure you have something that won’t rip the paint off the dorm room walls. Trust me, you don’t want to be paying some extra fee at the end of the year for damages (I’ve seen them charge $50 for a paint chip missing…anything for an extra buck).

Your best friends are things like command hooks. They’re cheap and are the least likely to cause any damage!

You can also get them at your local Staples store.


Now what you buy for your bed is completely up to you. Make sure you find out what size your bed is. Many universities have twin XL beds which means a regular twin sheet will not fit! So find that out before you buy your sheets.

However many layers you want is up to you. I find layering is better because the heating isn’t always up to you (especially when you’re an underclassmen). I personally had my sheet, a light douvet and blankets that I could layer. On top of all of that I had a comforter for decoration for when friends came over, so they wouldn’t sit on my bedcovers. But of course, I’m a girl and a lot of guys didn’t mind so much.

PBteen has some really wonderful sets I recommend (for the pricier side).

Target as well has some wonderful options for a much cheaper price.


You can’t forget about the ever growing pile of laundry.

I highly suggest getting a solid laundry hamper, which stops it from collapsing down onto itself. The Container Store has many amazing options. I then personally suggest a laundry bag as well to link the laundry hamper with. This makes grabbing all your clothes to wash so much simpler!

Don’t forget laundry detergent and such too.

Ironing boards are not needed. Some people actually do iron but if you dry your clothes and take them out soon after, you won’t need to worry about wrinkles. You probably won’t have time to iron.

Sewing kits are good to keep for any emergency you may find.

Fairy Lights and Decorations

Do not buy fairy lights unless you know your university allows them. Many view them as fire hazards and ban them. They will take them if they see them and that’s $10 you will not be getting back (no joke, they will literally just get rid of it for you and you won’t see it again).

Don’t even bother with a hot plate. Look into self-contained united. Microwaves are generally find and to boil water, invest in something like the image down below! I personally had one and loved it – used it all the time.

You can also get one from Bed, Bath & Beyond too!

This lets you boil water and you can easily do your ramen and such in it too!

Power Strips

You are 99% likely going to need one of those. Most rooms have like 2 outlets, you need something like this so everyone can plug in. It should have a surge protector on it as it stops fires (which college seem to love). There’s tons of options out there so you won’t need to worry about choices!

This is perfect! (Having two may be useful)



Bringing a basic first aid kit is needed too. You can either make your own with band-aids, antiseptic cream and other bits and pieces, or get a pre-made one.

Don’t forget umbrellas and flashlight, in case of wet weather or an emergency!

ALSO ALARM CLOCKS! You’ll need one of these. You can use your phone, sure, but I suggest battery operated alarm clocks. If the power goes off in the night and your phone dies, you will miss your class and professors won’t take excuses.


If you are getting a microwave and a refrigerator, make sure to talk with your roommate about who is bringing what. If you both bring something, there won’t be room. Also getting a TV isn’t necessary. Unless you play video games and think you actually will be playing, it’s not worth the extra money. If you think you may want it, move in and settle down before you purchase one. That’s a few hundred dollars you could put towards food or coffee instead.