Spring Semester Weather Tips- Who Can Study With The Warmth??

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If you’re from a climate that isn’t nice and warm every day of the year, then when the weather suddenly takes a turn and the sun decides to show her face, you don’t want to be inside. Like at all!

You know that feeling, when you can grab a lighter jacket, or even some shorts, and go outside without needing to bundle up like it’s the Arctic! Who wants to be inside on a day like this??? Oh, but that 10 page essay that is due….OH NO!

Here’s a few tips on how to make the best of both worlds!

1. Work outside if it’s quiet.

Sometimes working outside is the perfect thing to do. Sometimes your campus may be too busy to really focus, but maybe you’ll be lucky to have some quiet places you can hide at and get through your work. If you need to be on a computer, shade is key, and make sure you have those shades. Working outside and the glare from your screen or your books can damage your eyes. Outside is a perfect place to be when you need to read textbooks or don’t need a computer. You can get comfy and get through that annoying reading.

You can also look up now and then to let your eyes rest from the strain of reading!

2. Breaks are when you go outside!

Everyone loves breaks from work, as you can get your Netflix up and running and get through your latest episodes, or just check out some of your favorite YouTubers and see what they are up to. Oh, also don’t forget about scrolling through your Instagram and Snapchat. But come on! The weather is amazing. If you want to do that, do it outside! Or, go for a walk!

I know I used to work inside, as I needed my computer and I worked better inside, but during my breaks I’d go outside. Sometimes they’d be short breaks and I’d just sit in the fresh air for like 10 minutes, or I’d wait for my longer hour break and go outside and have some fun. Yes, you may feel like you are wasting time, but believe me, studying for 15 hours straight is a waste of your time. Breaks are needed, if nothing else than to let your eyes and brain rest for a few moments. They’re muscles and they need a rest too!

3. Open those windows – healthy and it’ll smell better.

Trust me, those dorm rooms get stuffy. You may not smell it, or experience it, but your guests will. Open those windows!!! If you need to stay inside, sit by the window, or at least get those windows open all the way to let in some fresh air. It will help you relax, you’ll be able to get some clean air for your lungs and you’ll also be doing a small bit of cleaning at the same time – cleaning the air from your room!

When the weather was nice for me, once my roommate and I were in class, I’d leave the windows open all day and close then when we got back. But make sure to check the weather as you don’t want to come back to a massive puddle on the floor after it rained!

Honestly, taking breaks and going outside is good for you! You can still enjoy the sun and get your tan while getting ready for that Chem test that is kicking your butt!


Do you have any good suggestions of how to incorporate outside time into your busy life? Leave a comment! 

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